
and presentations

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Peer Reviewed

(Italic = Mentee)


T Kukla, N Siler, R Fiorella, MM Laguë, C Hvam, JKC Rugenstein, ALS Swann. The spatial scale of oxygen isotope signals in tropical paleoclimate. in prep.

T Kukla, KV Lau, DE Ibarra, JKC Rugenstein. Deterministic icehouse and greenhouse climates throughout Earth history. Preprint DOI: 10.31223/X5SW75. [preprint]. Submitted.

N Siler, R Fiorella, T Kukla. A unified interpretation of variability in precipitation isotope ratios. Submitted.

L Manser, T Kukla, JKC Rugenstein. Stable isotope evidence for long-term stability of large-scale hydroclimate in the Neogene North American Great Plains. preprint DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-2023-2075. In revision.


  • T Kukla, MJ Winnick, MM Laguë, Z Xia. The zonal patterns in late Quaternary tropical South American precipitation. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology (2023) DOI: 10.1029/2022PA004498 [pdf].

  • T Kukla, DE Ibarra, KV Lau, JKC Rugenstein. All aboard! Earth system investigations with the CH2O-CHOO TRAIN v1.0. Geoscientific Model Development (2023) DOI: 10.5194/gmd-16-5515-2023 [pdf].

  • T Kukla, JKC Rugenstein, E Driscoll, DE Ibarra, CP Chamberlain. The PATCH Lab: A database and workspace for Cenozoic terrestrial paleoclimate and environment reconstruction. American Journal of Science (2023) DOI: 10.2475/10.2022.02 [pdf] [PATCH Lab site].


  • T Kukla, JKC Rugenstein, DE Ibarra, MJ Winnick, CAE Strömberg, CP Chamberlain. Drier winters drove Cenozoic open habitat expansion in North America. AGU Advances (2022). DOI: 10.1029/2021AV000566 [pdf].

  • JKC Rugenstein, K Methner, T Kukla, A Mulch, T Lüdecke, U Wacker, J Fiebig, A Meltzer, K Wegmann, P Zeitler, F Pazzaglia, CP Chamberlain. Clumped isotope constraints on warming and precipitation seasonality in Mongolia due to Altai uplift. American Journal of Science (2022). DOI: 10.2475/01.2022.02.

  • C Hoorn, LM Boschman, T Kukla, M Sciumbata, P Val. The Miocene wetland of western Amazonia and its role in Neotropical biogeography. Botannical Journal of the Linnean Society (2022). DOI: 10.1093/botlinnean/boab098. [pdf].


  • T Kukla, A Ahlström, SY Maezumi, M Chevalier, Z Lu, MJ Winnick, CP Chamberlain. The resilience of Amazon tree cover to past and present drying. Global and Planetary Change (2021). DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103520. [pdf].

  • T Kukla, DE Ibarra, JKC Rugenstein, JT Gooley, CE Mullins, S Kramer, DY Moragne, CP Chamberlain. High-resolution stable isotope paleotopography of the John Day region, Oregon, USA. Frontiers in Earth Science (2021). DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.635181. [pdf].

  • DE Ibarra, T Kukla, KA Methner, A Mulch, CP Chamberlain. Reconstructing past elevations from triple oxygen isotopes of lacustrine chert: Applications to the Eocene Nevadaplano, Elko Basin, Nevada, USA. Frontiers in Earth Science (2021). DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.628868. [pdf].

  • C Hoorn, T Kukla, G Bogota, E van Soelen, P Val, F Wesselingh, H Vonhof, G Morcote-Rios, M Roddaz, EL Dantas, RV Santos, J Damsté, JH Kim, R Morley, C Gonzalez. Cyclic sediment deposition by orbital forcing in the Miocene wetland of western Amazonia? New insights from a multidisciplinary approach. Global and Planetary Change (2021). DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2021.103717. [pdf].

  • X Tian, Y Gao, T Kukla, O Lenz, H Huang, DE Ibarra, S Sun, C Wang. Early Cretaceous solar cycles recorded in lacustrine laminations in North China. American Journal of Science (2021). DOI: 10.2475/09.2021.01. [pdf].

  • CP Chamberlain, DE Ibarra, T Kukla, K Methner, Y Gao. Triple oxygen isotope paleoaltimetry of crystalline rocks. Frontiers in Earth Science (2021). DOI: 10.3389/feart.2021.633687. [pdf].

  • Y Gao, DE Ibarra, JKC Rugenstein, J Chen, T Kukla, K Methner, Y Gao, H Huang, Z Lin, L Zhang, D Xi, H Wu, AR Carroll, SA Graham, CP Chamberlain, C Wang. Terrestrial climate in mid-latitude East Asia from the latest Cretaceous to the earliest Paleogene: A multiproxy record from the Songliao Basin in northeastern China. Earth Science Reviews (2021). DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103572. [pdf].

  • R Fu, K Hess, P Jaqueto, VF Novello, T Kukla, RIF Trindade, N Stríkis, FW Cruz, O Ben Dor. High-resolution environmental magnetism using the Quantum Diamond Microscope (QDM): Applications to a tropical speleothem. Frontiers in Earth Science (2021). DOI: 10.3389/feart.2020.604505. [pdf].


  • CP Chamberlain, DE Ibarra, MK Lloyd, T Kukla, D Sjöstrom, Y Gao, ZD Sharp. Triple oxygen isotopes of meteoric hydrothermal systems—implications for paleoaltimetry. Geochemical Perspective Letters (2020). DOI: 10.7185/geochemlet.2026. [pdf].


  • T Kukla, MJ Winnick, K Maher, DE Ibarra, CP Chamberlain. The sensitivity of terrestrial δ18O gradients to hydroclimate evolution. JGR Atmospheres (2019). DOI: 10.1029/2018JD029571. [pdf].

  • HT Mix, JKC Rugenstein, SP Reilly, MJ Winnick, AJ Ritch, T Kukla, CP Chamberlain. Atmospheric flow deflection in the late Cenozoic Sierra Nevada. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2019). DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.04.050. [pdf].



T Kukla. Oxygen isotope constraints on Cenozoic hydroclimate and the resilience of terrestrial ecosystems. (2021). PhD Dissertation in Geological Sciences, Stanford University.

  • Advisor: C. Page Chamberlain.

  • Committee: C. Kevin Boyce; Kate Maher; John Payne.


T Kukla. A tale of two CIEs: An isotopic and paleogeographic comparison between the Mid-Cenomanian Event and Ocean Anoxic Event 2. (2016). B.A. Thesis in Earth and Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University (Departmental Honors).

  • Advisor: Bradley B Sageman; Secondary advisor: Matthew T Hurtgen.

Invited Presentations

(*Seminar, Conference)


  • *T Kukla. Tropical precipitation isotope signals and enhanced rock weathering. University of Washington, Earth and Space Sciences Colloquium.


  • *T Kukla. Precipitation seasonality in the geologic past. Rutgers University, Earth and Planetary Sciences Seminar.

  • *T Kukla. A new proxy for paleo-precipitation seasonality. Lehigh University, Earth and Environmental Sciences Seminar.

  • *T Kukla. The see-saw and the watering can: Models for zonal precipitation anomalies in tropical South America. Oregon State University, QuatTea Seminar.


  • *T Kukla. Icehouse-greenhouse bistability in Earth history. University of Washington, Atmospheric & Climate Dynamics Seminar.

  • *T Kukla. Are past icehouse and greenhouse climate states ‘bistable’? University of Chicago, Geophysical Sciences Seminar.

  • *T Kukla. Precipitation seasonality in the geologic past. Northwestern University, Earth and Planetary Sciences (Sloss) Seminar.

  • *T Kukla. Is global climate bistable in the geologic past? FutureLab Seminar, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

  • *T Kukla. Drier winters and the emergence of grass-dominated ecosystems in the western U.S. Colorado State University, Geosciences Seminar.

  • *T Kukla. Terrestrial ecosystem resilience in the geologic past. Pal(a)eoPERCS Seminar, Virtual. [video]


  • *T Kukla. Precipitation seasonality and Neogene grassland expansion in the western United States. Yale University, Earth Systems Science Seminar, Virtual.


  • *T Kukla. The surprising resilience of the pre-Columbian Amazon Rainforest. (2020). University of Texas, Water, Climate & Environment Seminar, Virtual. [video].

  • T Kukla, A Ahlström, SY Maezumi, Z Lu, MJ Winnick, CP Chamberlain. The resilience of Amazon tree cover to past and present drying. (2020). AGU Fall Meeting, Union Session, Virtual. [video].


  • *T Kukla. Triple oxygen isotope signatures of past hydroclimate on land. (2019). University of Göttingen, Germany. Department of Isotope Geology Seminar.

  • *T Kukla. Remote forcing of South American Monsoon dynamics and the resilience of the Amazon Rainforest. (2019). Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany. Land in the Earth System Seminar.

  • *T Kukla. Amazon rainfall and atmospheric circulation since the last ice age. (2019). Stanford University Climate, Land, Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics (CLAOD) Seminar.

  • T Kukla. Amazon resilience to rainfall variability in the last 25,000 years. (2019). Special Meeting of the Dutch Palynological Society, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Selected Conference Abstracts

(*Oral presentation, Italic = Mentee)


  • *T Kukla, KV Lau, JKC Rugenstein, DE Ibarra. Multiple stable states of global climate do not persist because of a balanced long-term carbon cycle. (2021). AGU Fall Meeting, eLightning talk, Virtual. [video].

  • T Kukla, JKC Rugenstein, DE Ibarra, MJ Winnick, CAE Strömberg, CP Chamberlain. Western U.S. precipitation seasonality in the Cenozoic. (2021). AGU Fall Meeting, Virtual. [video].


  • T Kukla, DE Ibarra, JKC Rugenstein, KV Lau. Energy budget constraints on the runoff and silicate weathering response to changing atmospheric CO2. (2020). AGU Fall Meeting, Virtual. [video].

  • T Kukla, A Ahlström, SY Maezumi, Z Lu, MJ Winnick, CP Chamberlain. The resilience of Amazon tree cover to past and present drying. (2020). AGU Fall Meeting, Union Session, Virtual. [video].

  • L Manser, T Kukla, JKC Rugenstein. Long-term stability of large-scale hydroclimate processes in the North American Great Plains revealed by a Neogene stable isotope study. (2020). EGU General Assembly, Virtual.

  • *T Kukla. Zonal shifts in tropical South American rainfall since the Last Glacial Maximum. (2020). California Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Meeting, Virtual. [slides].

  • *T Kukla, CP Chamberlain. Linear interactions or non-linear abstractions: Do climate and tectonics predictably affect Cenozoic ecosystems? (2020). Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium, Virtual. [video].


  • *T Kukla, MJ Winnick. A hysteresis pattern in Amazon convection during the last deglacial. (2019). AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (Outstanding Student Presentation Award). [slides].

  • ST Mensah, T Kukla, A Olowoshile, CE Mullins, DY Moragne, M Balisi, DE Ibarra, JKC Rugenstein, CP Chamberlain. Cenozoic hydroclimate and ecosystem evolution in the John Day region, Oregon , USA. (2019). AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. [poster].

  • T Kukla. Dynamics or Thermodynamics? Using water isotopes to answer fundamental questions of paleo-hydroclimate evolution. (2019). US CLIVAR Water Isotopes and Climate Workshop, NCAR, Boulder, CO. [poster].

  • *T Kukla, DE Ibarra, MK Lloyd, ZD Sharp, CP Chamberlain. Triple oxygen isotope signatures of Eocene topographic development. (2019). Goldschmidt Conference, Barcelona, Spain. [slides].

  • *MT Brandon, T Kukla. Topography and precipitation isotopes across California and Nevada, with implications for the topographic evolution of the Cordillera orogen. (2019). GSA Cordilleran Section, Portland, OR.

  • L Manser, JKC Rugenstein, T Kukla. Neogene evolution of paleoenvironments in the North American Great Plains from a stable isotope perspective. (2019). EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (Outstanding Student Poster Award Winner).


  • *T Kukla, MJ Winnick, CP Chamberlain. The isotopic composition of rainfall from an energy balance perspective. (2018). Geological Society of America Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.

  • A Olowoshile, T Kukla, DE Ibarra, CE Mullins, JKC Rugenstein, CP Chamberlain. Reconstructing links between Cenozoic hydroclimate and ecosystem parameters in the John Day region, Central Oregon. (2018). Geological Society of America Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.

  • T Kukla, MJ Winnick, K Maher, DE Ibarra, CP Chamberlain. Modeling terrestrial δ18O gradients in lowland and mountain environments. (2018). Goldschmidt Meeting, Boston, MA. [poster].